HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Lily looks up at the sky.
    "Sometimes I like to imagine my mom and dad are waiting at the platform for me to get off the train... But they never are." She looks at Matt with a few tears.
  2. Matthew nods in understanding, keeping Lily close as he wipes the tears away with a hand, the other resting on her lower back. "They'll be proud of what you have done," Matthew says before kissing her forehead.
  3. She looks up at him.
    "I haven't done anything, Matt," She gently plays with his shirt.
  4. Matthew smiles softly. "You have; you've kept going with your work here, stood up to someone who hurt you, got over how they hurt you and let two people in, kind of with one of them," Matthew replies.
  5. Raises an eyebrow.
    "I've not let anyone in actually my legs remain closed thank yo- oh wait no my mistake I see what you mean let's forget I said that," Looks around but then laughs a little.
  6. Morgan: "At least you have family..."

    Morgan stands by a tree with his hood up and the griffindoor sword on his back.

    "Oh and also, it's best you keep them closed at your age"
  7. Matthew chuckles, glancing at Morgan briefly before looking back at Lily. "What did you say again?" He teases quietly.
  8. Morgan just keeps quiet and looks up at the sky.
  9. so this is the dark side of forums
  10. Lily looks up at Morgan.
    "Just because he has a family doesn't mean he doesn't know what it's like to lose someone," She turns her attention back to Matthew with a smirk. "I don't know what you're on about."
  11. Matthew grins at Lily. "Exactly," he replies before looking round at Morgan. "My older sister shot herself to escape a spell that was put on her as it drove her insane. So I lost my sister twice, not just once."
  12. "Hey," Lily grabs his hands. "Stop Matt, please don't work yourself up,"
    She softly kisses the back of his hand.
  13. "I'm not worked up, I'm stating the truth so he doesn't keep accusing me of not knowing loss even though I have a family," Matthew replies, squeezing Lily's hands slightly.
  14. Morgan: "Where they brutally murdered like mine...?"

    He begins walking off.

    "Your lucky to still have family"
  15. This time lily gets up and stalks after him smacking the back of his head absolutely seething.
    "Did you watch your parents get brutally murdered from a cupboard?! Did you just freeze and hide whilst you watched them die!? Do you spend every damned day wishing it was and not them!?" She's shouting now tears pouring down her face. "Don't you dare pretend that you're the only one who knows what it's like. Murder suicide natural. They all still died. Not one of us here doesn't know what it's like to lose someone!"
    She runs back to Matt.
    "Matt lets go before I do something I regret," She whimpers.
  16. Matthew sighs as he watches Lily run up to Morgan before standing up. He picks Lily up so she can hide her face. "No family is the same after a loss though is it?" Matthew states.
  17. Lily wraps herself around him hiding in his chest.
  18. Matthew holds onto her, rubbing assuring circles with his thumbs.
  19. Morgan: "Like I said... You got some left... I haven't"

    He pushes her away with the griffindoor sword before going.

    "Oh and... I watched mine die whilst a gun was to my head... By he that shall not be named himself...."

    He turns his head a little.

    "By the way...I'm a Potter, not a noble"