HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Lily giggles quietly at him.
    "It's okay," She says watching as a merfolk swims to them. Lily looks into its eyes and laughs moving off Matthew's lap and crawling towards it. The merfolk holds out its hand to her as she draws closer.
  2. Matthew tugs on the bottom of Lily's shirt. "Lils, you really think that's a good idea?" He asks, moving to his knees and going to wrap an arm around Lily's waist.
  3. Lily hesitates feeling the tug in her shirt and blinking as she comes out of the trance, the merfolk see's it's chance and lurches for Lily's already outstretched hand, pulling her down into the water sliding her out of Matthew's grip.
  4. "Red and green attract Lils, shoulda thought about that," Matthew mutters under his breath before looking under the water carefully.
  5. Lily thrashes against the merfolk, having trying to scream losing air fast, she begins to get dizzy as she grips her wand blasting it backwards then tries to swim back up.
  6. Matthew dives into the lake when he spots Lily and wraps an arm around her waist before bringing them both to the surface.
  7. Lily splutters and clings to him, coughing.
  8. Matthew grips her waist with one arm still, using the other to help keep them afloat. "You ready to go back to shore?" Matthew whispers.
  9. She peers up into his eyes, shivering a little clinging closely to him and gives him a little nod of the head.
  10. Matthew swims back to shore, keeping Lily close to him. He puts Lily up onto the bank before pulling himself out.
  11. She takes his hands and helps him out immediately getting up and gathering sticks.
  12. Matthew follows, grabbing his discarded, dry jacket and wrapping it round Lily's shoulders before also picking up sticks.
  13. Lily throws them in a pile, slow tears falling from shock. Quiet sobs coming from her chest as she silently curses herself for not even being able to save herself from merfolk. She points her wand at the sticks and watches the fire burn.
  14. Matthew glances at Lily before wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, resting his head on her shoulder. "It's not your fault," he whispers watching the fire.
  15. Lily sighs.
    "I just... I literally cannot function right around you. I don't know how to. I'm not usually this stupid I promise I just... I don't know," She just starts to babble on before stopping herself and groaning. "See!? If I had any control over my stupid self I would of kept that to myself."
    She rubs her head with two fingers.
    "What are you doing to me, Matthew?" she questions softly, more to herself than him.
  16. "No, if you had any control you would have kept your last comment to yourself," Matthew teases lightly. He starts drawing a pattern on her shirt again as he continues watching the fire. "Sometimes it's better to lose control, let someone else take control for you." He kisses her temple, watching Lily in the fire light.
  17. She laughs gently, her eyes alight in the firelight, they seem just to reflect the fire. She just gently rests against him.
    "Okay," She says simply.
  18. Matthew smiles, his arms tightening around her slightly. "Your hair looks more like strawberry laces now," Matthew comments randomly.
  19. "They don't taste like them so don't try to eat it," She smiles up at him.
  20. "I already know that from earlier," Matthew replies with a smirk before kissing her forehead.