HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Lily giggles quietly.
    "Sorry," She whispers. "I know it's red but it's not strawberry laces, Matt."
    Lily smiles up at him.
  2. "It was the wind," Matthew replies quietly before laughing.
  3. She smiles at his laugh then kisses his cheek gently.
    "Thank you," She whispers as she looks back out to the lake.
  4. "It's okay," Matthew whispers, tightening his arms slightly as he draws a light pattern of her waist absentmindedly.
  5. She slowly falls asleep against his chest.
  6. Matthew glances at her and smiles, carefully taking off his jacket and wrapping it around her as he pulls her closer.
  7. Lily groans quietly as she sleeps cuddling herself into his chest.
  8. Matthew chuckles, keeping his arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
  9. She loosely holds onto his top, her face buried in his chest.
  10. Matthew rests his head on hers watching the lake.

    Riley starts walking towards the lake, stopping when she spots Lily and Matthew. "I'll leave you two alone then..." She trails off and walking back towards the school.
  11. Lily stirs after around ten minutes rubbing her eyes, realising she fell asleep and blushes.
    "Oh gosh," She mutters. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sleep on you."
  12. "It's okay. It was your exhaustion setting in after you got rid of the sorrow. Nothing embarrassing about it," Matthew says, glancing at Lily before continuing to look out at the lake.
  13. Lily gazes at him examining his face from his chins to his hair.
  14. "What?" Matthew whispers, glancing at Lily briefly before looking back at the lake.
  15. She quickly diverts her eyes.
    "Nothing," She says quietly, looking back to the lake and how the pink clouds are currently reflecting onto the water.
  16. Matthew raises an eyebrow, watching Lily. "I grew up with an older and a younger sister, I know when something is bothering a girl," Matthew whispers.
  17. She laughs softly.
    "You don't bother me, Matthew, you make me smile it's different," She says simply then her cheeks taint pink as she realises what she said. "I mean... Um..."
  18. Matthew chuckles before pressing a kiss to her temple and wrapping his arms around her more. "I know it's different. What's bothering you is how you're trying to figure out why you feel that way," Matthew whispers.
  19. Lily blinks at him her head resting on his shoulder.
    "How do you know that?" She questions out loud.
  20. Matthew laughs, watching Lily rather than the lake. "I told you, I have two sisters. I know how to read girls," he comments before frowning slightly. "That came out slightly wrong, I meant I'm good at detecting things they'll rather keep hidden. Ah no, that's even worse..." He trails off, looking back at the lake. "I'm not sure how to word it," he finally concludes as he looks at Lily again.