HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Lily smiles.
    "Thank you so much," She glances over at Riley. Then to Matthew her glance lasting longer than a few seconds before tearing her eyes away. "Would you care to join us? I'm buying."
    Lily chuckles softly moving a piece of her red hair and tucking it behind her ear.
  2. Matthew smirks at Riley, having not noticed the look from Lily, he starts drumming a small beat on the table. Riley grins, joining in with the beat.
  3. Lily smiles purchasing an extra butter beer and placing it on the table by Riley and Matthew as she sits next to Riley.
    "The invitation is there," she smiles as she looks to what Riley and Matthew are doing with a laugh. "What are you two doing?"
  4. Matthew grins, continuing to drum a beat. "What does it look like?" He asks.

    Riley takes a sip of her drink, putting it down within the beat and continues with the drumming. She nudges his shoulder with her own.
  5. Lily laughs softly then zones out.
  6. Riley nudges Lily gently with her shoulder. "You okay?" She asks quietly as Matthew continues drumming a small beat.
  7. Lily nods absentmindedly.
  8. Matthew abruptly stops drumming the beat. "What is it Lils? You are not okay. We can easily see that," Matthew states.

    Riley sighs, running a hand through her hair. "Matt," she hisses.
  9. Lily smiles at him.
    "I'm fine Matthew," She says as she downs her butter beer. She then watches two men fight in a corner with a smirk playing on her lips. "I could so take both of them down..."
  10. Matthew smirks and looks at the men. "Yeah, I believe that," he comments.
  11. Lily laughs with a teasing eye roll
    "I could especially beat you, Matt," She childishly sticks her tongue out at him then laughs softly.
  12. Matthew chuckles before making the tip of his tongue touch the end of his nose.

    "He's competitive. Trust me on that. However..." Riley drags out, glancing between Matthew and Lily, "he'll probably let you win," Riley finishes causing Matthew to elbow her in the ribs.
  13. Lily laughs.
    "If he's competitive I doubt he'll let me win, Riley," She looks at her then back to the two fighting men, flicking her wand at them both causing them both to head butt each other. She laughs quietly happy with the mischief she made.
  14. Riley smirks at Matthew who glares at her. He starts tickling her side so she squirms away from him. "He has soft spots if you know how to play them," she comments.

    Matthew just tugs Riley to him and tickles her again causing her to laugh.
  15. Lily laughs at them both. Watching then hears the door swing open and Draco stroll in with Scorpius in tow. Lily sinks into her seat casting a glance at Riley and Matthew.
    "Don't say a word and be really quiet," She whispers.

    "Lilian," Draco yells. "I have something for you."

    "No you don't," She mutters. Draco spins around hearing her with a smirk on his face and throws his son at her feet.

    "Oh I do," He states. "Scorpius what do you have to say to her?"

    "I'm sorry you're such a stubborn bitch," She glares at Lily never breaking eye contact with her. Lily's eyes pierce down into his as she grips her wand. Draco smacks the back of his son's head and Scorpius breaks the eyes contact and groans.
    "Fine," He growls. "I'm sorry Lily."
  16. "What was that? I couldn't hear you?" Matthew comments, Riley slaps his arm and glares at him.
  17. "I said I'm sorry Lily," He growls at Matthew. "Now tell your Rottweiler boyfriend to back off."

    "He's not my boyfriend. He's also not a dog, but you however might as well be," She storms past him.
  18. Matthew just smirks at Scorpius. "Someone threatened by me then? That's adorable," Matthew says before standing up and following Lily.

    Riley knocks over her butter beer so the liquid ends up soaking Scorpius. "Oops, sorry. I didn't see you there," she comments, her voice sickeningly sweet before walking out after the other two.
  19. Morgan silently watches whilst holding the sword.
  20. Scorpius scoffs at Matthew, glaring after Riley.
    "Like she's ever gonna stoop as low as to date you," He yells after him.

    Lily freezes and anger boils in her eyes as she storms back past Matthew and Riley.
    "No," She yells at him as she approaches. "As if I'd ever stoop so damn low as to date a low life sad assed son of a ferret! Leave me alone."
    She points her wand at him and whispers something under her breath and he starts throwing up slugs, she turns on her heel and walks out her cheeks red still angry.