HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Lily leads them both to a table then goes to get drinks, staying quiet not getting involved.
  2. Matthew sits down and hits his head on the table repeatedly. "I don't know why you're being stupid," he grumbles.

    "I'm being stupid? I'm being stupid? How is that possible?" Riley retorts.

    Matthew hits his head again. "It's almost like you want what happened to sis happen to you."

    Riley goes quiet and sits there with her head facing her hands folded in her lap. Matthew glances at her but keeps his head on the table.
  3. Sin: "Lee!"

    Haven sighed as she sent him to his dorm before appearing behind Lily. "Lily?"
  4. Lily turns around.
  5. "Sorry," Matthew and Riley mutter at the same time before giving each other a small apologetic smile.
  6. Haven: "Are you alright?"
  7. Lee turns around on the spot, having heard his name being called by a familiar voice... "Sin? Where are you?"
  8. Sin: "I'm behind you.."
  9. Morgan: "And me..."
  10. Sin looks at Morgan.
  11. Morgan Keeps quiet.
  12. Sin: "What are you doing here?"
  13. Lily smiles weakly but then shakes her head.
    "I have to be sweet,"
  14. Haven: "I got rid of that guy."
  15. Lee looks at Sin. "I'm looking for you. I would like to check on...." He went quiet, just noticing Morgan. "Hello, and who is this?"
  16. Sin: "this is Morgan."
  17. Morgan says nothing and takes what looks to be the sword of his house of his back.
  18. Lee glances at Morgan momentarily. "Hmm, uninterested.." He mumbled to himself. "Anyway Sin, I was wondering if we could speak more...privately?"
  19. Sin nodded. "Of course."
  20. What the hell is this doing here?
    Do you know who I am?