HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Alejandria looks up when she hears the commotion and heads over curiously, trying to work out what is going on.
  2. Sin nods and walks away.

    Haven rolled her eyes waiting for him to swallow.
  3. Ooc: Someone gimme an idea of what I can do to get involved in this rp again? Otherwise I'll end up just disappearing constantly...
  4. Ooc: pretty much everyone is outside the three broomsticks I think
  5. Ooc: Alrighty.

    Val: *Lays on a bench outside the buildings in Hogsmeade, chilling*
  6. Ic: Alejandria sighs before moving away from the crowd, bouncing her ball and catching it again as she walks.
  7. "All of you just get lost!"

    Morgan stuns another two students.
  8. Sin grabs Morgan's wand after hiding the egg. "Cool it!"
  9. Lee was walking around in the courtyard, after hiding his tracks, re-sealing the chamber
  10. I walk out and see y'all sitting down and look at yall with disguist
  11. Scorpius swallows.
    "I said what?" he frowns.

    "Really," Lily giggles as her cheeks go slightly red.
  12. Haven smiles as the sleep charm on the treat takes effect.
  13. Matthew and Riley share a look before turning their attention back to Lily. "It's not one of those cringey one that he ends up beating guys up after they use them on me is it?" Riley asks.

    Matthew shoves Riley away from him. "Again, I thought we agreed not to talk about that," Matthew mutters.
  14. "Actually it was 'Can I slytherin to your chamber of secrets'" Lily giggles.

    Scorpius yawns and drops to the floor in slumber.
  15. Riley chuckles "yep, he beat up... Who was it for that one?" Riley asks looking at Matthew.

    Matthew unfurled his fists before counting a finger with each name. "Jake, Cade, Pete, Bob, Levi, Mike, Tyron, Kevin, Gray and Stuart," Matthew listed off casually.

    Riley rolls her eyes. "I said one."

    "If you don't remember, they all used it and in that order."

    Ooc: I ran out of random names, don't judge me lol XD
  16. Lily starts to giggle again.
    "I wish I had a brother to protect me," She smiles. "You're lucky."
  17. Riley inspects the back of her hand before scratching an itchy spot. "Oh, yeah that's the thing. I ended up throwing the first punch, Matt finished them off," Riley comments like it's a daily occurrence.

    Matthew rolls his eyes. "The punch you done never affected any of them, apart from two? I think one was trying to guilt trip you though," Matthew adds, watching Riley.

    "You really think that would work?"

    "It almost did!"
  18. Lily holds the door open to the Three Broomsticks for them both.
  19. Riley crossed her arms "it did not," she protests.

    "Yes it did. I could see you caving in," Matthew replies.

    Riley glares at Matthew. "Maybe if you were there earlier then it wouldn't have happened."

    "You moved to somewhere else without telling me."

    "Are you dad now? You ain't the boss of me."
  20. Lee walked by The Three Broomsticks, twirling his cane around as he walked, not really paying any attention. Whistling a tune... But his whistling had a slight hiss to it