HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Morgan is sat outside with a crowd around him trying to ask what happened to him.

    "Just leave me the hell alone will Ya?"
  2. Lily laughs lightly and shakes her head with a small smile.
    "Don't worry Riley, he'll be the last to know," She chuckles as she squeezes his arm lightly before letting go and quickly going into the direction of the Three Broomsticks.

    Scorpius watches he curiously, walking with her.
    "Oh?" he questions. "And what is this something?"
  3. "I have ways you know!" Matthew calls after Lily before following her.

    Riley rolls her eyes before following them, "always one of actions Matt..."
  4. "What ways are these?" she chuckles.
  5. "I know a lot of people," Matthew comments.

    "No you don't," Riley interrupts.

    "Actually I do. What do you think I'm doing when I'm not around you sis. Talking to people I know of course." Matthew smirks at Riley.

    Riley rolls her eyes, "apart from classmates."

    "I know a lot of people," Matthew defends.
  6. "I think it's cute that you know a lot of people but I have to ask Matthew... Why did you protect me when he asked me out? We never... Really spoke much," She asks. Her eyes are full with curiosity as she pauses and looks at him awaiting an answer.
  7. Riley smirks at Matthew who ignores her.

    Matthew glances away, collecting his thoughts. "I don't know why you're smirking Ri, you introduced them," Matthew comments quietly.

    "Yeah you don't need to remind me," Riley mutters.

    "We had an older sister, let me just say she wasn't as lucky as you were." Matthew keeps looking away, his hands stuffed in his pockets.
  8. (This always was a popular Roleplay and still is apparently~ )
  9. Lily's expression goes a little shocked and she places a hand on his arm as she locks eyes with him.
    "I'm really sorry Matt,"
  10. OOC: Thank you Doll ;)
  11. "It's not your fault Lils. It's fine," Matthew comments, pulling his hands out his pockets. He wraps one arm around Riley's shoulder and the other around Lily's. "So, less of the depressive talk. I hope one of you knows a joke because I don't."

    Riley rolls her eyes but leans into Matthew slightly anyway. "Yeah you really don't do jokes unless you're making a foul of yourself," she teases.

    Matthew rolls his eyes and pulls Riley into a light headlock.
  12. Lily giggles at them.
    "I have a joke," She smirks.
  13. "If it's about my face than it ain't funny. But if it's about Ri's then it is," Matthew jokes, putting his arm round his sister's shoulder normally.

    "You're hilarious," Riley states sarcastically.

    "I try."

    "Not hard enough."

    "Hey! I heard that."

    "Meant to..."
  14. Lily laughs lightly.
    "Actually it was about our houses but okay," She chuckles then thinks. "Actually it was more of a pick up line.."
  15. Haven: "Before I ask..." She holds up a muffin. "Try this."
  16. "Lily laughs hehehe, Haven it tastes horrible like your moms cooking. " Lily spits it out in havens face"
  17. Scorpius shrugs and takes a bite of the muffin.
    "What am I doing this for?" He asks, pieces of muffin spraying in her face as he speaks.
  18. Matthew and Riley look at Lily with a raised eyebrow each. "Really?" Riley questions.

    Alejandria sighs before she cringes when Scorpius sprays his food from his mouth.
  19. "Great!" Lee exclaimed as he smiled. He than carefully handed Sin the egg. "Make sure you tell no one about this alright." He said and than turned to go back the way he came. "I'll meet with you later. I have to cover my trail."
  20. "I said leave me alone!"

    Morgan pulls out his wand still sat with his head down and fired a stun spell at a year 10 student knocking him straight to the ground and making the crowd of people around him back off.