HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Lily smiles at them both holding out her hands for each of them to take.
    "Nonsense! I simply won't hear of it," She smiles kindly as her dimples show more. "That may have been the least you could of done but you didn't need to. Neither of you did. So this is the least I can do, plus anything you need at any time do not hesitate to ask."
  2. Riley glances at Matthew who raised an eyebrow. "You don't owe us Lils," Matthew states.

    Riley nudges him, taking one of Lily's hands as she stands. "Come on, stop being so stubborn," Riley says quietly, dragging Matthew up with her.

    "Besides, it took ages to get the permanent marker off my arm," Matthew says glaring at Riley.
  3. Lily sheepishly looks at him.
    "All the more reason for butter beer?" She blushes a little then tugs on their hands, leading the way to the Three Broomsticks.
  4. Riley chuckles and rolls her eyes. "He kept complaining for three days as he couldn't get it off," Riley comments.

    "Ri, can I just point out you had a moustache for three days as well when you made fun of me," Matthew counters with a smirk.

    "We agreed not to talk about that."

    "We also agreed not to talk about how long it took to wipe off."
  5. Lily giggles listening to them both bicker weaving her way through crowds of other wizards.
  6. Haven watched them leave as she stood there just watching and listening.
  7. "You drew a moustache on my face because I said about how you couldn't get your own name off your arm to Al. It's not an equal punishment," Riley grumbles.

    "Yeah, then why did Al also take a picture of the moustache?" Matthew retorts.
  8. Lily briefly chuckles but then pauses putting her arm out as she spies Scorpius coming out of the Three Broomsticks. She quickly pulls them both into an alley, panic clear on her face.
    "H-He came to visit me at St Mungo's..." She stutters, looking at them.
  9. Haven spot Scorpus and sighed
  10. "Crazy son of a..."

    "Matthew!" Riley hisses, grabbing his arm to stop him going to Scorpius.
  11. Lily grabs his other arm.
    "Oh no you don't," She says alarmed. "Matt, he's not worth it."

    She watches as Scorpius looks around.
  12. "You sure?" Matthew questions quietly and steadily, stepping back into the alley.

    Riley grips his wrist in her hand tightly, twisting it slightly so he gets the point.
  13. Haven walks into view pretending to not notice, Matt, Riley and Lily and walks up to Scorpius smiling. "Hey."
  14. Lee grins at Sin. "I need your help taking care of this." He says showing her the egg. "This needs a woman's touch."
  15. Sin stares at the egg and then at him. "In other words... you need a mother."
  16. Lee smirks and taps his cane on the floor. "I was thinking more like a babysitter. But call it what you will." He stands there waiting for for reply before he continues.
  17. Lee and sin start kissing as matt and Riley walk in on the two. 'Find a room u two says Riley. Then haven and Riley leave and makes love to the animals
  18. Lily smiles, and squeezes his arm softly.
    "I'm sure Matt," She says soothingly.

    "Hello," Scorpius replies raising an eyebrow.
  19. Haven hooks her arm with Scorpius' and starts leading him in the opposite direction of Lily. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

    Sin: "I'll do it."
  20. Matthew nods "alright. Just tell me if he bothers you again," Matthew comments.

    "Matthew!" Riley chastised.