HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Morgan takes off his top and takes out his wand cleaning the wound on his chest.
  2. A few hours pass for Lily and she regains her usual self. She changes into clean robes and grabs some books and sits in the library. Lily is deep in thought questioning the grammar in the book.
  3. Alejandria curses quietly when she drops her ball in the library and starts chasing it.
  4. Lee enters the bathroom, and barely notices the other student waiting. "Who are you again?" He asks tapping his cane on the ground
  5. Morgan has fallen asleep topless in the griffindoor common room on a couch, the cut now closed on his chest.
  6. Haven kneels on the floor besides him trying to clean his shirt with his magic.
  7. I'm Rex. New kid. You?
  8. "You learn quickly... Especially since that's a spell I made myself..." Morgan says opening his eyes slowly.

    "I'm still confused as too why Troy turned up to protect me..."
  9. Haven looked up at him. "What do you mean?"
  10. "Whilst fighting against the death eaters Troy came and helped me. Why would he just randomly know and come help me may I ask?"
  11. Haven: "I don't know... I guess he was there when it happened."
  12. "But why...." Morgan says getting up still topless.
  13. Haven stood up handing him his shirt. "Here."
  14. "Cheers" He takes it and uses it as a bandage.

    "I'm off out to a workout"
  15. Haven pushes him to sit back down. "No you won't."
  16. "Why not...."
  17. Haven bent until they were eye to eye with her hands on her hips. "You're hurt and any kind of activity will reopen the wound."
  18. "Will it now....?" He says sighing.
  19. Haven: "Yes." She straightened up and sighed.