HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. "Well I won't see you as one..." Morgan says looking up.

    "Filthy Slytherin..." Felix mutters turning to Lily.
  2. Val: *Hears there's a commotion near the Griffindor tower (If that's right) and is swiftly approaching, wand ready as he passes professors in the darkening halls as the sun is setting. Curfew for the night is soon*
  3. "Matthew, Rile-" She weakly mutters before passing out again.
  4. Haven: "Thanks..." She slowly lets go of his arm.
  5. Felix swiftly catches Lily whilst keeping his wand pointed at scorpius.

    "It's no problem..." Morgan says quietly.
  6. (Someone mind trying to get me involved in action?)
  7. (How?)

    Haven smiled at him before walking away. "Bye Morgan..."
  8. (I have no idea. If anyone is near the Gryffindor tower, they could tell Val what's going on or something. Iunno.)
  9. Matthew rolls his eyes, tipping his head upside to match Scorpius "not so talkative now are ya scum?"

    "Oh jeez," Riley mumbles.

    Alejandria starts walking before accidentally walking into Val, dropping the ball in the process. "Balls," she mutters.
  10. Professor Zeni escorts some first years out of curfew to their dorms.
  11. -Rex walks in and paralyzes everyone a bit so they stand still- Mind telling me whats going on here? -He grins- How can there be a fight when I'm not involved?
  12. Professor Zeni hears some kind of commotion going on and investigates.
  13. Morgan comes in and stuns Rex directly in the back.

    "Right now that I have control can we all stop being a bunch of idiots ok?"
  14. Professor Zeni disarms Morgan before he could do so. "That spell is not needed Morgan but you are right, we need to calm ourselves down and I will suggest you get to your common rooms before other professors arrive."
  15. "My wand... Now..." Morgan says taking out another wand.

    "Nobody touches that but me.."
  16. "Hmm what's the magic word now.." Professor Zeni says patronisingly while having his wand at the ready.
  17. "The magic word is expelliarmus" he says flicking his spare wand in his hand and catching his own in the other as Troy the aura watches quietly.

    "Don't ever take my wand again" he says walking away.

    "Well... He showed you didn't he.." Troy says stepping out with his enchanted weapons.
  18. "It should be please but of course that would always work." Professor Zeni says while walking off.
  19. "Here Zeni" Troy says turning to the professor stood in his leather trench coat.

    "... Don't mess with the kid. He's had a rough past."
  20. "Just tell him not to dwell on his past and instead enjoy the future." Professor Zeni says.