HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Val: *After letting Matt take Lils, he left her and has been going to class*
  2. Lily shakes her head.
    "Me?" She holds the blanket close to her. "I would never harm a fly..." She sniffles and cuddles into the bed. "I... I'm going to sleep,"
    Lily rolls over clearly upset as she's never been a target before nor upset anyone; she closes her eyes with a single tear rolling down her cheek.
  3. Riley sighs "Lil I was just checking."

    Matthew moves up to behind her "Lils, she didn't mean it," he whispers quietly, placing a hand on her arm gently.
  4. "It's not your fault Riley... It's nobody's... Except mine I must have done something..." Lily whispers quietly.
    Her head peeps up from her covers as she hears the door open and the nurse shouting.

    "You cannot go in there Mr Malfoy!!!"

    "Keep him away from me..." She whimpers as he bursts through the curtain that surrounds them.
  5. Matthew tucks his arm round Lily, moving so her head is on his chest.

    Riley stands up "get out of here! Haven't you done enough?" She shouts.
  6. Scorpius snarls at Riley with a narrowed glare at Matthew his eyes locking into Lily scared eyes.
    "Lilian, I demand you go on a date with me and I'll make you better because I'm the only one with the potion to make it all better," He smirks at Riley and Matthew.

    "You did all this... To ask me out..?" Lily widens her eyes in more fear shaking and hiding into Matthew.
  7. Morgan shakes his head and vanishes.
  8. Name: Felix Granger
    Age: 17
    House: Hufflepuff

    Wand: Elder, Dragon heartstring and Phoenix feather 11 inches.
    Patronus: Panther
  9. (Riley's patronus is a panther (/-\) )

    Matthew glares back at him, his hand rubbing Lily's back.

    "That's low even for you! Get out of here! How in any way, shape or form is that okay? What have you been drinking?" Riley yells.
  10. (Patronus changed to a Lion)
  11. OOC: accepted.


    Scorpius laughs at them both.
    "And what exactly are you both to her? Have you ever spoken to her before today?" He smirks. "I've known her since we were children, I've not actually had anything to drink to know that I want her to be my girlfriend."

    Lily stays silent for a while.
    "Give me the cure for this I don't wanna be a five year old anymore," Lily says as tears run down her cheeks.
  12. Felix stands at the doorway watching the rest and lily, not saying a word.
  13. Riley scoffed "more like you were thrown into the wrong wall at the train station as a baby."

    Matthew just rubs Lily's back gently.
  14. Lily just looks at Matthew.

    "Me thrown into the wrong side of the wall?" He scoffs. "Shouldn't it be the boy sticking up for the girls?" He smirks at Matthew.
  15. "Trust me, I'm nothing," Riley mutters with a smirk.

    "Ri, sit with Lils for me," Matthew asks. Riley swaps with Matthew so he stands in front of Scorpius. "You do not mess with a cupcake just to blackmail someone into being in a relationship! Besides, who would want to be in one with you?!" He yells, pushing him back slightly.

    "Told you," Riley mutters.


    "Alright. Jeez. Him, not me."
  16. Sin sighed as she meditated
  17. Scorpius laughs pushing him back.
    "Why don't you keep away from Lily?" He growls.

    Lily looks at Riley and whispers.
    "I didn't want this to happen..."
  18. Is this a revived rp??
  19. "Why don't you realise she's out of your league?! She deserves someone better than you!" Matthew shouts.

    "I know Lils; but sometimes life isn't fair," Riley whispers.
  20. OOC: I guess you could say that ️

    "Like who!? You? Oh please," He begins to laugh.

    Lily glares at Scorpius reaching over for her wand.