HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Matthew nods "sure you can."

    Riley eyes Matthew sceptically.
  2. Morgan continues to duel the RavenClaw.
  3. Haven sighs and goes to the podium to watch the duel.

    Sin: "I do practice it but I never said I watched you. I merely observed you being bored right now."
  4. "I'm not bored," Alejandria comments.
  5. Morgan uses a spell to knock his wand out of his hand before stunning him with another.

    "And that's another done..." He says with a sigh.
  6. Lily smiles sleepily and fights her sleep just to have some cupcake.
  7. Matthew smiles at Lily, "right, I'm going to put you down in a minute okay?" He says softly.

    Riley knocks on the door to the nurse's office.

    "Why are you knocking?" Matthew asks.

    "Might be someone already in there," Riley replies.
  8. Lily solemnly nods as she's put on her feet. She looks at the floor her head pounding.
  9. Matthew keeps an arm around her waist keeping her up as the nurse's door opens. "Tampered cupcake victim. Bubbles came out with hiccups," Matthew comments sitting Lily on the bed in the room.

    Riley hovers by the door watching.

    "You'll be alright if I leave you here won't you?" Matthew asks Lily quietly.
  10. "C-Can you both stay...? I don't know what's wrong with me," she says in a terrified whisper.
  11. Sin sighs.

    Haven: "Want a sparring partner?"
  12. Matthew glances at Riley. "You sure about Ri, she's a bit dodgy," he whispers playfully.

    "Why are you my twin?" Riley questions.

    Alejandria looks at Sin "what?"
  13. Lily crawls up to the top of the bed and hiccups with butterflies fluttering out of her mouth, she stares wide eyed and panicked.
  14. Morgan shakes his head.

    "As you can see... I'm dangerous." He says pointing at the still stunned student.
  15. Sin shook her head. "Nothing."

    Haven took out her wand and stood directly infront him. "Try me."
  16. Morgan quickly flicks his wand and hits her straight in the chest with a stun spell.

    "That's why I was in the Tri-Wizard"
  17. Matthew glances at Riley in the door. "Fine," she grumbles before sitting at the opposite end of the bed to Lily. "What about a game of pat-a-cake?" Riley offers brightly.

    Matthew rolls his eyes.

    Alejandria raises an eyebrow, throwing the ball in the air and catching it.
  18. Lily giggles at Riley.
    "I'm not five," she says putting four fingers up.
  19. Riley smirks before poking Matthew's forehead "he's five."

    "Oh brilliant," Matthew mutters before letting his face fall into the bed between Riley and Lily.
  20. Lily squeals in pure delight; then quickly braids his hair.
    "Pretty," She states with a giggle at his hair. She then peers up, watching as the nurse walks towards them she whimpers.