HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Alejandria narrows her eyes. "I do. You just haven't been around when I have."

    Riley raises an eyebrow "I wasn't talking..."

    "Riley!" Matthew snaps shutting Riley up.
  2. Lily flutters her eyelids unaware of what's going on but passes out in Matthew's arms
    "Scorp-..." She doesn't manage to finish her sentence before dropping back to sleep.
  3. Nick heads off to hogsmeade on his own.
  4. Matthew shakes Lily's shoulder with a hand. "Lils, come on. I told you to stay awake."

    "Matt, she's already gone," Riley says, glaring at the others.
  5. Sin: "That's because I was hiding."

    Haven: "Was she trying to say Scorpion or Scorpio?"
  6. Nick orders several butterbeers to go and goes back to hogwarts drinking some on the way.
  7. Alejandria rolls her eyes "you know that's creepy right?" She gets out her ball again, throwing it hand to hand quickly.

    "Well maybe we should get her to the nurse's room like we were supposed to before we got stopped," Riley states.
  8. OOC: someone give me an update of what's happening please
  9. Haven: "You do know its right behind you?"

    Sin: "How?"

    Ooc: I'm lost too
  10. Lily groans as Matthew shakes her shoulder and slaps his hand away in her sleep, then just falling back to sleep.
  11. Alejandria stops throwing the ball suddenly, blinking at Sin a few times. "You want to know how something is creepy when you're watching someone and they don't know about it?"

    "Don't you slap my hand away, I'm very good at slapsies. See," Matthew says before slapping Lily's shoulder.

    Riley glances to the side, laughing nervously.
  12. Haven shook her head.

    Sin shrugged. "I never watched anyone. I just hide from the world."
  13. Alejandria raises an eyebrow "and you told me I should have more fun. Practice what you preach."
  14. Lily groans and shifts a bit in Matthews arms. "Shhh," she murmurs.
  15. Morgan starts walking away to do wand training.
  16. Matthew shakes his head before pushing Lily's shoulder again. "Not going to happen Lils."
  17. Morgan walks up to the battle podium and takes out his wand facing a RavenClaw student as many others watch Morgan and the contestant duel.
  18. Lily groans and her eyelids flutter.
    "Mm, stoppppp," she whines.
  19. "Not gonna happen," Matthew replies hitting her shoulder again.
  20. Lily frowns, still under the influence of the cupcake.
    "if I stay awake can I please have more cupcake?" She smiles sleepily.