HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Riley narrows her eyes at Val but only says "it's got her off the ground and easier to get somewhere."
  2. Lily bounces in Riley's arms.
    "We're going on a trip in our favourite rocketship. Zooming through the sky little einsteins!!!" She sings at the top of her lungs.
  3. (Matthew picked Lily up lol)

    Matthew chuckles quietly, glancing at Riley. "You holding on tight?" He asks Lily with a smirk.

    "No, don't agree with him," Riley warns Lily.
  4. Sin yawns.

    Haven sits by the lake reading a book under a nearby tree
  5. Alejandria rolls her eyes before sitting by her book again and reading through it.
  6. Sin: "Alex what are you reading?"
  7. When the patronus disappears the real Hungarian Horntail flys over and flys above the lake.
  8. Haven pays no attention to it and continues reading her book
  9. OOC: sowieeee

    She smiles, then tilts her head looking at him. "Who are you?"
  10. The Horntail lands in the lake.

    "Long time no see old friend!" Morgan says standing up at the edge of the lake.
  11. Alejandria looks up "a book."

    Matthew raises an eyebrow watching Lily. "You don't remember me Lils? I'm offended," Matthew says.

    Riley rolls her eyes as she watches, putting the cupcake in a plastic bag.
  12. Morgan strokes the dragons head.

    "Wow.... Been a while since we saw each other ain't it mate...."
  13. Lily pouts.
    "I'm sowieeeee," she rests her head on his shoulder and starts to fall asleep.
  14. The Hungarian Horntail roars so loud it can be heard across Hogwarts.

    "Yeah. I'm glad your back too" Morgan says smiling.
  15. Haven looks up for a minute but continues to read.

    Sin: "You like books right?"
  16. Nick enters the dungeons and heads towards the cauldron
  17. "Lils, I need you to stay awake okay?" Matthew shifts her in his arms slightly. "Can you do that for me?"

    Riley puts the bag in her pocket.

    Alejandria raises an eyebrow "yes. But there are plenty of people here who like reading."
  18. Putting various ingredients into the cauldron, Nick brews an unknown potion.
  19. Lily nods sleepily.
    "Where are we going?" She asks her tone tired and thick with sleep.
  20. Sin: "Yet you're bored or anxious about something."