HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Sees lily.
  2. Val: Uh, I think we need to get you to Nurse Pomfrey. Come here. *I go to pick Lily up by her arm*
  3. "Let me finish my cupcake dork," She laughs as she takes another bite.
  4. Riley raises an eyebrow watching Lily "here, let me help you up," she offers quietly, holding a hand out to Lily.

    Matthew sighs watching them "wow."
  5. Lily puts her cupcake in Riley's extended hand, giggling away.
  6. Val: Oh geez, you're an idiot... *I look at the other person* Mind helping me take this one to the Nurse?
  7. Riley holds the cupcake in her hand, eyeing it suspiciously.

    Matthew steps forward, crouching down to meet Lily's eyes. "Can I know the secret joke?"
  8. Lily looks at Matthew and whispers super seriously.
    "You have the black dot," She bops some dirt on his nose and starts giggling even more.
  9. Matthew puts his finger in the dirt before putting a spot on Lily's nose "and so do you."
  10. Lily squeals in delight.
  11. Val:... Are we just gonna ignore that she's likely on some sort of minor hallucinogenic drug?
  12. Matthew puts his hands out in front of him towards Lily, his palms facing upwards. "Did you want to go for a walk?" He offers.

    "Just watch," Riley comments, still looking over the cake.
  13. Lily gasps in horror.
    "But that's excercise!" she whines
  14. "I'll carry you if you want. You'll get to see the world from a different view, isn't that right Ri?" Matthew comments.

    "Yep," Riley replies popping the p.
  15. Val: *Raises an eyebrow, but waits*
  16. Lily giggles and extends her arms to him.
    "Uppppp!" She giggles.
  17. Morgan simply shakes his head and carries on walking.

    "Just they wait until they want to go through the trails...."
  18. Matthew picks her up as he stands, making sure she doesn't fall.

    Riley smirks at Val, "wasn't so hard, do something she wants, you get what you want in return."


    "Fine I'll be nice."
  19. Morgan sits next to the lake and casts his Patronum letting the Hungarian Horntail fly away.
  20. Val: Well honestly she's a little crazy in my opinion. Who knows what she might have wanted. *Shrugs*