HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Morgan just watches the fire that reminds him of the tri-wizard's first task.
  2. Ooc: I'm off to bed, y'all, and I think Lily's gone and done the same.
  3. Ooc: Okay. Good night
  4. Morgan sighs. "Darn tasks... I was so close to that cup and then he just had to curse me didn't he...."
  5. Alejandria's head snaps up at the voice. "Umm," she mutters. She takes the ball out of her pocket, throwing it between her hands.
  6. Morgan looks up.

    "Oh yeah... I'm fine..." Winches a little as he remembers the torture curse.
  7. Sin: "You look pretty beat up."
  8. Alejandria shakes her head, putting the ball back in her pocket as she gets the book. "There must be something in the water here, everyone is nuts," she mutters.
  9. "Well I did go through the Tri-Wizard..."

    Looks at the fire.

    "Yeah.... That..."
  10. Sin: "Did you take anything to make it less painful to remember?"
  11. "If you need anything try sniffing very old books," Alejandria comments, slamming her book shut. "That's how people used to enjoy themselves. Has to be a decent amount of mould on them though."
  12. Name ~ Riley and Matthew Carter (twins)
    Age ~ 17
    House ~ Gryffindor
    Riley ~ cherry with unicorn hair
    Matthew ~ ash with unicorn hair
    Riley ~ panther
    Matthew ~ leopard
  13. Val: *Rolls my eyes* You are a very strange Hufflepuff...
  14. OOC: Accepted

    "I am not strange!" She furrows her eyebrows.
  15. Riley and Matthew share a look before looking back at Lily and Val.

    "I would have to agree with him on that," Matthew comments.
  16. Haven just stared at them as she walks by
  17. Morgan shakes his head getting up.

    "I should of fought back that day..."

    He leaves the common room and sits on the grand staircase.