HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Lily takes her seat in potions
  2. Val: *Reaches Charms class, sitting down calmly as he uses the Accio spell to retrieve his books*
  3. Lily doodles in her book as she listens to the Professor speak.
  4. Lily roams down the hall eating a cupcake
  5. Val: Is napping in a tree, amazingly enough. Nobody seems to bother him.
  6. Lily yawns as she sits under the same tree and closes her eyes.
  7. Troy is practicing outside with some first years watching.
  8. Val: *Softly snores*

    (Does this rp in any way tie in with the old rp?)
  9. OOC: I don't know

    IC: Frowns and wrinkles her nose and she hears a snore. She throws a nut at him.
  10. Val: *Flails, then sits up, nearly falling off, grabbing a nearby branch and swinging to the ground, landing on his feet but rolling when he touches down* Agh! Could you not?
  11. Nick eats chocolate frog as he heads towards the practise room.
  12. Lily bursts into laughter.
    "It was a tiny hazelnut!" She says between her laughter
  13. Alejandria sits outside, ducking when a bench flies towards her "what the?" She looks up to see no one and shrugs, continuing to draw in the dirt in front of her.
  14. Nick throws his wrapper before entering the room
  15. Val: And I was balancing on a branch, asleep!
  16. She falls onto the grass, tears of laughter springing to her eyes.
  17. Nick practises his stunning spell and disarming spell on the practise dummy.
  18. Val: Hey! *Pokes the rolling girl with my foot* Don't be a jerk!
  19. She squeals.
    "do not touch me with your foot, ew."