HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Lily rolls her eyes.
    "that's a bit of a dick move don't you think?"
  2. --Seals the envelope and looks around-- It's quiet in RavenClaw tonight...
  3. Nick walks off to the library to study for his potions exam.
  4. Val: Well, she started by picking on a first year.
  5. "it means it wasn't very nice to put her up there," She sighs but shrugs. "oh well. You didn't answer my question."
  6. "You're right," She nods.
  7. Val: *Chuckles* So, what's your next class?
  8. "I thought you knew everything," She states as she walks away with a smirk.
  9. Troy gets out and walks out the common room and outside to the Hogwarts fields.
  10. Nick then goes to his dorm to put his books away.
  11. Troy sits on a bench zipping up his jacket to keep warm as he waits for his owl.
  12. Sin sits on the hall floor with her hoody pulled over her head
  13. Val: Not everything... *Rolls my eyes as I walk after her* And I was trying to make small talk before your Potions class.
  14. Sin shakes her head at the two who walked past her
  15. (Lil add me and I'll create a character when I can)
  16. Stops and narrows her eyes at him. "are you stalking me?"
  17. Alejandria looks up briefly, watching passing students. She sighs quietly before getting up and moving up the staircase and sitting back down.
  18. Val: I told you I knew things, and just wanted to chat. *Shrugs and chuckles* Whatever, you clearly don't want to talk, so I'll be on my way. *Walks on, starting to go away*
  19. She hesititates a little before rolling her eyes again.
  20. Val: *Shakes my head and walks towards my next class*