HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Gale: "Kind of reminds me of 'Death of a Salesman'."
  2. Troy apperates and appears in the great hall. He sits down and lays his head in his hands on the table.
  3. -walks onto a field and starts performing spells on a tree for practice-
  4. Sin arched a brow at him
  5. Alejandria walks past the great hall, stopping when she spots Troy.
  6. Troy doesn't move at all knowing that someone is near him.
  7. Alejandria walks in slowly and quietly "you okay?" She asks.
  8. "No.... I'm ill... Very ill... With danger..."
  9. Gale: "Quite a few characters in that play call others 'kid' when it doesn't make much sense."
  10. Alejandria sits, one leg tucked under the other, opposite Troy "we all have our demons."
  11. -points my wand at the tree- AVADA KEDAVA -the tree starts to shrivel and die as all the leafs fall off-
  12. Sin shrugs. "Your friend is awake..."
  13. "I literally have a demon..." He says looking up at her with one blue eye and one red eye.
  14. Alejandria doesn't react to the appearance change, only replies smoothly "if you think that it has won, it will have more control. If you forget about it, it is less likely to appear."
  15. "Hmmm I doubt I can control it"
  16. "Expecto patronum" nick shouted as a Phoenix appears from his wand
  17. "Then learn the signs of when it is coming so you can get yourself far enough and not cause damage," Alejandria comments nonchalantly, pulling her glasses out of her pocket and putting them on.
  18. Troy gets up and faces her. "I guess I owe you for the help.." He says smiling a little.