HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. (I'm pretty sure the Chamber of Secrets would've been made unaccessible by now lol. No good reason to let children to get down there.)
    Gale walks beside Sin, his hands in his pockets.
  2. Sin takes a distant step away while she walks
  3. Gale let's her distance herself as he continues walking.
  4. Sin: "weren't you busy with that other girl?"
  5. Gale: "She fell asleep."
  6. Sin: "you should have stayed with her."
  7. Gale: "If I stayed there, you might've just been hurt by that guy."
  8. Sin shrugged and rubbed her neck revealing a hidden scar. "Not the first time..."
  9. Gale: "Letting people get hurt isn't exactly what I do."
  10. Sin: "whatever kid."
  11. Alejandria stands again and heads through the halls, no tears on her face.
  12. Gale: "Why are you calling me kid? You aren't exactly any older than me."
  13. Clementine: -silently judging at how horribly cliché everyone is-
  14. Troy sits on a rock on top of a cliff near the castle. "Maybe I don't belong here..."
  15. OOC: That is so you Ki ;)

    IC; Lily walks into the girls bathroom.
  16. Sin: "I call everyone that."
  17. Gale: "Why? Doesn't exactly make much sense."
  18. Alejandria wanders through the student traffic, not focusing on a particular destination.