HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Sin looks at Troy completely confused.
  2. "It's not me who's doing this... Someone used a mind control spell on me to give me a dark side when I was younger...."
  3. "Then it's best you leave her alone." Gale holds his wand pointed at Troy's back.
  4. Sin looks up at Gale before getting up and dusting herself off.
  5. Troy just keeps his head down as his firebolt supreme comes flying down.
  6. Nick sees flickering lights in the forest while on his way to the common room and walks cautiously with the Lumos spell towards the forest.
  7. "If you EVER harm ANYONE, you can garauntee that I will be the first to hunt you down." Gale keeps his wand pointed at Troy.
  8. Sin moved back a little.
  9. Alejandria stops when she's in an isolated hallway and slides down the wall, her head in her hands.
  10. Troy flicks his wand and his flys out his hand. "I won't.... I'll make sure of it." His firebolt supreme flys at him, he grabs it and flys off extremely fast.
  11. (I was behind you...)
  12. "Obviously nothing here , Accio Firebolt" Nick casted with his broom flying at him.
  13. Alejandria takes her hair down and it falls around her face.
  14. Gale puts his wand away. "I believe we are in the same house and year, correct?"
  15. Sin shrugged and pulled her hoody over her head
  16. Gale: "Name's Gale. Easily bored, but usually don't like to move."
  17. Sin didn't look at him. "Sin..."
  18. "Nice to meet you, Sin." Gale hold out his hand.