HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. (Figured I'd make one since apparently no one wants to be Slytherin)
    Name: Gale Chaos
    Age: 15
    House: Slytherin
    Wand: Cedar, Basilisk tongue, and Imp wing.
    Patronus: Eagle
  2. OOC: accepted

    IC: Lily smiles and motions for him to go inside.
    "Go ahead," she slides the compartment door back open for him.
  3. Alejandria starts singing softly, shutting her eyes.
  4. Thanks *smiles and walks in
  5. -begins whistling 'stayin alive' and eats a bar of chocolate-
  6. Gale sits by himself on the train.
  7. Sushmitha
    patronos owl
  8. Alejandria stands up and walks down the train absent mindedly.
  9. Nick walks down the train ,trying to find a compartment to sit in
  10. Alejandria turns around and puts her suitcase on the seat in her compartment, showing it was taken before wandering up the carriage again.
  11. Gale lays down on the seat.
  12. -yawns before standing and lookin into the carriageway wondering who is about-
  13. -looks down the carriageway to see who is about-
  14. Alejandria stops, hearing the footsteps behind her.
  15. (Name: Jess Dwyers
    Age: 15
    House: Ravenclaw.
    Looks: The girl has long red hair, falling in slight waves to mid-back. Her skin contrasts, a soft pale, decorated by the occasional freckle upon her cheeks. Her eyes are round, one of her most prominent features, and are a dark green which frequently changes lighter. Jess is a relatively short girl, reaching 5"2, with a petite build.
    Wand: Phoenix feather and something unknown; 10 inches.
    Patronus: Leopard.)
  16. Nick walks into the compartment where Lily is and sits down after putting his bag above him.
  17. OOC: Accepted, both.

    IC: I smile as Nick walks in, then putting my attention back into my book.
  18. Alejandris turns to see Geoff and smiles slightly.
  19. -smiles back at Alejandris and sits back down in my seat awaiting the train to stop-
  20. Clementine: -asleep in one of the compartments-