HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Sin walks a little faster and thinks to herself. "He is so.. weird." She looks back at him. "Thats my business."
  2. Alejandria murmurs something quietly before sitting upright, gripping the table with her hands.
  3. "Get down..." He says pushing her to the ground. "Expecto Patronum!" He yells as the dark dragon emerges from his wand. The dark hooded figures disperse and he lowers his wand.
  4. Sin glared at him. "AHEM!"
  5. Troy looks at her with dark eyes. "AHEM yourself. I just saved your life!" He points his wand at her.
  6. Gale puts his hands in his pockets as he wanders the forest and sighs. "Just as boring asthe castle..."
  7. "That's it I can't take it more..." He says as his wand glows. "I can't wait any longer..."
  8. Troys eyes flicker red as he whispers. "Crucio..."
  9. Gale continues wandering, despite being bored.
  10. Sin eyes widened before she moved out of his way and tackled him
  11. "Get off me..." He says looking up into her eyes.
  12. Sin pinned him down. "You were going to hurt me."
  13. "Because I'm not who you think i am...."
  14. Sin: "I don't care... just.. don't hurt me."
  15. "Oh... God... What am I doing with myself...." He says pushing himself away against a tree. "He's just stuck in my mind.... Damn him."
  16. Alejandria stands and walks out hurriedly, walking around with her head looking at the floor.
  17. "I'm... Im so sorry...." Troy says filling up with tears.
  18. Nick walks out of his astronomy class and ears towards the griffindor common room