HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Sin froze. "Why are you here?"
  2. OOC: Of course you can join in Rex, sorry this is my other account for when my phone's dead. Just everyone remember I'm always here... Lurking... Watching everyones move  I'm kidding.

    IC: Lily walks down the halls, glancing out of the windows every so often.
  3. "Being curious...." He says as his broom flys away.
  4. Sin took out her wand. "Weirdo...."
  5. "Expelliarmus"
  6. Troy catches sins wand. "There's no need to threaten me..."
  7. Sin: "I wasn't going to."
  8. "Good.." He says passing the wand back. "Shall we continue going the way you was heading?"
  9. Alejandria falls asleep on her arm.
  10. Sin took it. "You sure about that?"
  11. "Yes I am sure about it"
  12. Sin shrugged and continued to walk
  13. Troy followed behind her quietly.
  14. ( lol Fume, a bit creepy much)

    Nick took out a joke book and starts reading it during class
  15. -walks into the common room and sits by the fire practicing some paralysing spells-
  16. Lily sits in the library reading her battered copy of Paper Towns
  17. Gale gets up and leaves the table so Alejandria can sleep. He heads to the forest, hoping to find something interesting there.
  18. "So where are we heading then sin?"