HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Alejandria tenses slightly "what?" She says quietly.
  2. Gale: "You are the only person that hasn't bored me to death so far."
  3. Alejandria hides one of her hands in the other "how?"
  4. Gale shrugs. "Don't quite know myself."
  5. Alejandria raises an eyebrow slightly before looking away as she rested her hand on her arms in front of her.
  6. "Time to make some new friends" Nick said while walking around the main hall
  7. Gale stays quiet so Alejandria can rest.
  8. Alejandria turns her head so she looks at Gale as she rests the side of her head on her arm "why are you concerned about me?" She asks softly.
  9. Gale smirks. "Are you saying that a Slytherin can't care about others?"
  10. Alejandria raises an eyebrow "if you think i think that after what I said on the train, you clearly weren't listening to what I've been saying."
  11. (I eliminated my character from the rp. She's a bit useless and worthless in the rp)
  12. Gale: "You really need to learn when I am joking."
  13. Alejandria rolls her eyes, tracing a small pattern on her arm with a finger.
  14. Gale looks over. "What's that?"
  15. Alejandria flicks her eyes to Gale briefly before looking back at her arm "why do you want to know?"
  16. Troy smiles at the rest of the ravenclaws. "Right... I best be off to practice." He says picking up his fire bolt supreme that he used in the 2014 Quidditch World Cup. He was now playing for the American team.
  17. Alejandria's eyes flick around the room, spotting Troy standing up before she looks back at where she was drawing a pattern on her arm with a finger.
  18. Troy stands outside getting on his broom then flying to the Quidditch field. "Time to practice."
  19. Sin disappears in the forest
  20. Troy flys down into the forest landing next to sin. "You ok..?"