HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Alejandria raises an eyebrow before tucking her head in her arm again, slowly drifting off.
  2. Gale takes out his wand and casts a spell on Alejandria, making everything she hears quieter. "Sweet dreams, miss Al."
  3. Alejandria nudges him in the ribs gently with an elbow "my ears are sensitive, thats at normal now." She smirks.
  4. Sin waits until her wolf appears. She stroke his head before heading into the forest
  5. Gale grins. "Then I guess I need to use a bit more powerful of a spell to change that, won't I?"
  6. Alejandria shakes her head, her ponytail flicking out slightly "its fine, i can sleep anywhere."
  7. -shuffles in my seat becoming restless-
  8. Gale: "As long as you aren't in a fit of ADHD, right?"
  9. Alejandria slowly sits up, rubbing an eye gently "what?"
  10. (Not appropriate... ADHD is a serious matter.)
  11. Gale: "On the train. You said you move a lot. That is usually associated with ADHD."
  12. Alejandria raises an eyebrow slightly, bringing her hand away from her eye "people usually just tell me I'm like a cat," she mumbles.
  13. (Paladin... Can I ask you to refrain from that term... I'm autistic. I find it rather annoying)
  14. Gale: "All cats are different. Just like people. Everyone could have a cat that matches their personality."
  15. Alejandria tilts her head slightly "they usually know me better than you do before they tell me."
  16. Alejandria stretches her arms out "why do you want to know anyway?" She asks curiously.
  17. Gale: "So far, you're the only one that hasn't bored me to death."
  18. Alejandria raises an eyebrow "only girl, only gryffindor, only person, only student, you weren't very specific," she comment, resting her hands in her lap.
  19. Gale: "All of the above."