HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. (Well how would you like it if you fucking had everyone in your family dying, you get sick, come back to school and have to get everything caught up when exams are the next week, and come on here to escape and is constantly argued with because they think you are arguing!?)
  2. (Well Dumbledore did control it. It was his until he was killed by Snape.)
  3. (Don't you pull a sob story that's most likely untrue on me kid. You don't know my life or anyone else's in here. Don't make it seem like your worst of than everyone here you sorry excuse of a person.)
  4. (I don't claim to be anything I'm not. And don't you accuse me of lying. My life has been living with little money and lots of my family has had cancer and died from it. I've also had friends/people I know from school die. Death just seems to be around me everywhere I go, and I'm just sick of it...)
  5. Wait... Wait... Little money?

    Explain the phone.
  6. You are a sick twisted little fuck you are, get out of my sight I know I liar when I see one.
  7. (My phone is outdated. And it was a christmas present with what little we have. The main reason why I like having a job now is so my parents don't have to buy everthing for me, that way they have a bit more money to pay the bills, especially since my mom doesn't work.)
  8. (Three questions... One what phone. Two was it second hand? What job do you have and how good is the pay)
  9. (Galaxy Ace 2x. Kind of shitty, but no, it is not second hand. We got it when it was one of those 0 dollars down payments or whatever they're called. Finally, I work in a bookstore at student wage.)
  10. (Yep you just confirmed my suspicion)
  11. (Dude... like I said, it was a christmas present. The phone I had before this one was second hand though, and could only be used for texting or calls.)
  12. (Just quit with the lies already... I'm tired of it)
  13. (Oh ya, nvm. Now I remember. This phone was actually free. The other phone was an LG Rumour, and when I upgraded to this phone, it was free and came with two $100 pre-paid credit cards because of how old the phone was.)
  14. (More lies..)
  15. (PLEASE STOP!!!!!!)
  16. (I am not a liar... I don't lie about things... if I did, I would say that my family owns a five star restaurant and drives a lambourghini.)
  17. (Zach.... please....)
  18. (Stop saying I'm him when you know I'm only typing for him right now because he is too frustrated to do it himself Kat...)
  19. (I am honestly done now, I'm taking a leave from this rp because I'm so far behind)