HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Troy eventually gets fed up and puts his wand against his throat to make his shout really loud. "SILENCE! Right.... I'm about to let you in... New Years you are to go to the front to be sorted into your houses and the rest of you take your places in you house tables... Ok then..." He finishes as he opens the doors.
  2. "Oh and Miss sin... I'm sorry for that." He says walking in.
  3. Sin looks at Troy from a slanted angle. "You're annoying... and too loud"
  4. "It's my job..." He says as he walks up to his seat at the main table.
  5. Sin rolled her eyes and walked forward
  6. (Ok, I'm out... you just ripped off Dumbledore when Dumbledore was the only one that could do that...)
  7. Troy rests his head on his hand. "Darn kids" he mutters under his breath as he watches the sorting.
  8. (It's not like you can't learn to do it ?)
  9. (Dumbledore had the Elder Wand. That is why he could do it.)
  10. (no it ain't..... You seriously complain about everything you do child....)
  11. (And once again... YOU. Are the cause of derailing yet another thread. WELL DONE.)
  12. (..... *picks up myself and leaves PIMD forever*)
  13. (Dumbledore did it without the use of a spell. That can be achieved through the use of the Elder Wand.)
  14. (*Buzzer noise* Errr Wrong! I knew I should not of come back to forums. People like you always cause trouble. Well you know what, just like my dear friend I am too OUT OF HERE.)
  15. (Also, at least my character doesn't have guns. That is something you would never see in the harry potter world.)
  16. (And finally, I wouldn't have to do this if you weren't such a bitch about it and would unblock me so I could solve this some other way.)
  17. (Wasn't my choice about the guns, someone said the idea of "they could be enchanted" after I said I didn't want them. Also you cause all the arguments so really I'm finished with you and your bs. I wouldn't dare unblock you... I'd rather choke thanks. *Walks out merrily*)
  18. (I tried to not argue, but you just continued pissing me off. Dumbledore is supposed to be the strongest wizard. You don't rip him off. Oh, and calling yourself a high class wizard? No such thing in harry potter. There's only the strong wizards that are famous for their strength. Only wizard that is like that that was also an auror was Harry himself.)
  19. (*Peeps my head in* Will you just shut up you have already ruined this thread. I am so sorry for this lily, this child can not handle himself well.)
  20. (Oh and Dumbledore is kinda dead... Sorry to burst your bubble mate. Also the elder wand... Not so powerful if you don't control it. Finally yes, there is such a thing as a top class wizard. They are extremely talented wizards who have mastered many spells and potions to a high extent so be quiet like everyone wants you to be.)