HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Troy looks back at Al. "Oh are you coming too?"
  2. Alejandria's head snaps up and she groans quietly but follows anyway.
  3. -laughs to myself and pockets my wand picking up my suitcase and makes my way to the front of the crowd-
  4. "Well what's up with you al...?" He says getting on a boat.
  5. Nick jumps off the train and slowly blends in the the crowd of children heading to the boats
  6. -sits in a boat-
  7. Gale scoffs upon seeing Troy talking to Al. "She obviously doesn't feel like talking to you..." he mumbles to himself.
  8. Alejandria shrugs slightly, "still tired, my friend was chewing my ear off talking last night about my birthday party last night and how many guys were staring at her. So i didn't sleep much," she comments quietly.
  9. (So Fume... could you change your patronus? You chose the same animal as I did on page 3.)
  10. (Wasn't paying attention.... I'll change it to a small dragon)
  11. "Heh fair enough... We all get fed up at times" he says looking at the person who mumbled. "Do you have something to share with us all young man?"
  12. A smirk tugs on the corners of Alejandria's mouth. She chuckles as she sits in a different boat.
  13. "No... Lost your nerve have you lad. Maybe the torture curse might loosen your tongue!" He laughs then sits at the front of the boat as it sets off.
  14. Maybe the guy just doesn't like you enough to talk to you
  15. "Sorry what was that I heard buzzing." Troy mumbles as he hums quietly to himself.
  16. I smile and climb off the train heading up to Hogwarts with the rest of the last year.
  17. (Change my age to 20 please.)
    Starts whistling to myself.
  18. *walks to the main hall, following Fume
  19. "Well.. Here we are.." He says looking up at the castle as he holds his wand up like a torch.