How to sfw

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by I-Black-make-her-tapout, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. Little giants? Isn't that a double negative ?
  2. I'm about to ban you all for derailing the thread ?
  3. Lol Yes it is. Little and insignificant in rl but known and giants here (stats)
  4. Ban me and you won't get any videos nub.
  5. i dont think you know what a double negative is  issa oxymoron
  6. If I were any good at BB coding, or it was actually worth the time, I'd post a picture of Rock 'em Sock 'em robots.

    It won't be long til someone's head pops off...
  7. Is it to late for me to join and say that. Why is shred even talking in this post?
  8. iRJ_da-4th_aNgIe-0f_A-tRlanGIe

    was here

  9. Says everyone who has ever been in a SFW in the history of PIMD?
  10. I've always wondered why my name comes out people's mouths who I have absolutely no association with. Mhm ?
  11. same reason people talk about bush. your lack of IQ is frankly hilarious and makes for good entertainment when we're bored
  12. I'm glad you were able to give me an I.Q. test via pimd kitty.
  13. And if you actually knew a thing or two, your I.Q. isn't in regard to how "smart" you are. It refers to the amount of information your brain can process, store, and how well your long and short term memory are. But hey...
  14. i don't recall stating the definition of the phrase...merely that yours is ostensibly akin to that of nacho cheese.

  15. The only thing you farm are walls and the English language.

  16. He was in iconic while you were still faking terminal illnesses you idiot. You should maybe learn a thing or two about the club your in. How is the cancer doing anyway? Funny how you just stopped talking about it.
  17. Is there anything else that needs to be said or asked??? Like how tall I am, or my favorite food, or am I ambidextrous. Just curious since these randoms won't hop off my llama...
  18. Lmfao @ Ross, he's mad because my little self can easily prank pin him. +45mcs and your cc stats are useless. Your account has no backbone , and since you have time to reply to my forum post. I'd assume you also have the availability to farm me Ross. I mean, ive been fully regen'd all day bro...Step up or shut up. bottom line...
  19. Rose why do you call yourself a rose are you feeling too short somewhere and now you want to be a flower boy lmao
  20. Your an idiot as well, his name clearly says Ross. Smh, I can't deal with y'all honestly haha. 