How to sfw

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by I-Black-make-her-tapout, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. Because he resembles how you guys strip
  2. ^ roast. 
  3. Black learned to farm from you all ,shred :) he wanted to pay respect
  4. No my ID I was being funny beside who go make me change it
  5. Ghost I'll be happy to teach you how to sfw because I see you failed to strip me a again  I even got cheap one's so you can afford to strip me 
  6. Failing a strip doesn't mean that he doesn't know how to sfw. Failures are the stepping stones to success. God, I'm so righteous!
  7. So a hit then strip is that the right way to sfw Daisy because I that's all I see y'all doing
  8. can't even do that right
  9. Oh yes, definitely. That's what I'm learning from iconic. I learnt to prank after the strip too. I'll be sure to implement that next
  10. Wot in tarnation
  11. Welcome
  12. I see stormy need some rehab after she left your Club from butthurt an changed ID to perfect storm an now in club rehab  good job on that
  13. 

  14. i'm learning so f wins want another lesson :)
  15. Only because you got those tutes if I was to hire them lol did post the others as well
  16. Ed is the new F
  17. well? go ahead and hire them then, wasn't that your "step 1"?
  18. Sounds fun asf