How to milk a cow?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kush___, Jun 23, 2016.

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  1. Are you a Indian girl?
  2. Damnnnn who knew honor students got down like this
  3. okay gonna get forum banned for this but okay 
    step 1 : find the eh you will know what
    step 2 : put it in your mouth
    step 3 : suck it till milk comes out or pee you'll be lucky if it aint pee ?
  4. What about it?
  5. Who makes a thread about boobs this isnt right
  6. You don't
    They milk themselves

  7. Woah man where da heck have you been? ?
  8. I can see that ? like a 6 month long hibernation
  9. I still feel like sleeping though
    Sleep is nice
  10. 'Google then copy and paste' can make people look intelligent you know?
  11. Rub the nipples softly for few minutes.
    Catch the 2 nipples with one hand each. Push and pull towards the bucket and squeeze it.
    Do this several times until milk goes off from the 2 nipples.

    Now same process for the remaining to nipples.

    Hence milking is done..

    Remember to target the bucket while squeezing the nipples and do not use over strength to squeeze or it might pain to cow and then cow could kick your ass.

    Enjoy milking.
  12. It is too boring. I have never done that.But I think it is boring
  13. Mess. You don't know till you try
  14. Yeah. I get such a rush out of tugging on cow nipples. Better check urself b4 u rek urself m8
  15. Mess
  16. Is it mess though? Is it rlly?

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