How to find their avatar's name?? You cant. Suggestion:

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by AllthatJazz, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. I noticed that there's no way (that I know of) to see the description of avatar/the avatar's name of another player. In fact, unless you're digging in the forums or the avatar is available in the store, you cant see the name or description of an avatar you dont own.
    So, I am pleading to ATA, could you guys make it so when you click on another player's avatar from their profile, their avatar card shows up?
    It works with items and furni, why couldn't we do it with avatars? Usually when I want an avatar someone else has I have to ask them and it's just a hassle. Plus I would've loved to see the descriptions of all the shard avis, I think they're well done!
    Cinnabun and Psycxdxlic like this.
  2. Have you sent them a ticket with your idea?
  3. Usually if it's not in the current hunt, you can't even get the avatar that they have because it's old or a rare box drop. I don't really see the use of this, i think it would just annoy me having that pop up when i click people's profiles
  4. True, a lot of avis may be from an old hunt etc and can’t be gotten anymore so knowing about what it’s called doesn’t do much. Also agree that it would be annoying. But I doubt that’s how it would be implemented. You have to specifically click on an item in the showcase to see any description so more than likely the same would apply if it ever happened
  5. Knowledge about the stats of the avatars that people have on can occasionally help you in PVP when selecting targets and sizing them up or deciding what battle actions to use against them.

    I don't mind the extra steps it takes to find this information.

    Having that knowledge or exploiting others' ignorance should pay off and the impediment is justifiable imo.

    Build up your knowledge from Adeline's guide to avatars and go forth.
  6. I get that. In that case, don't show the stats. I just want to be able to correlate the look of someone's avatar with it's name so I can learn how to get it. i.e. getting the old boxes that it's from or for VIP item combo avatars
  7. I wasn't sure if I should send it in a help ticket or on the forums, so I'll for sure send a help ticket as well. Thanks!
  8. That could be done without showing the name. I'd support an indication of whether it can still be earnt and how, or not.
  9. If I had this feature I would probably use it to find the name of VIP item combo avatars
  10. One thing I love about avatars, is it gives the oppurtunity to strike up a conversation with the person using it. They usually know where it came from.

    The idea of an avatar card is nice. But it still doesn't say the release and hunt date. So knowing the name won't be all that helpful!
    Maddi_Matsu and Kefo like this.
  11. True ^ I guess it could lead to an interaction like that.
    AdalineRose likes this.
  12. Have you checked out Lyssa's
    VIP Combineable Avatar Guide

    My avatar guide also has a dedicated section to champagne space avatars and buddy box on page 2
    The Avatar Database Guide

    It's not perfect, but many of us players did make these guides as a tool for you guys :) My guide can be a pain, but I made it for players like you <3
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.

  13. I've learned through the avatar guide. The name and descriptions are mostly irrelevant except in Developer trivia. Most people want the hunt name, what year, and nowadays LB/box etc. All that info isn't in game right now except from the knowledge of the player base. It's why I don't think showing the cards will be all that useful.

    The name of the avatar isn't helpful because the avatar names are attached to a photo. So you can't just search them in forums. Also, ATA didn't have the avatars in forums at all for like a year.

    It's not the worst idea or anything. The cards would need a massive update though for people to actually think the system is useful and not just another annoying pop up
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  14. True! But I feel like that'd be a bit more information than necessary. No avatar cards have that info on them. I would just need the name to find that info in the forums.
  15. I usually just search on google with "pimd" after it and a link to the forums pops up.
  16. Thank you so much! I will definitely watch these forums. Your work is appreciated!
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.