How to be a forumer?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by YourFavorite3, May 31, 2018.

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  1. Anti joke
  2. dont be butthurt also else you will be the female jaco version
  3. Who even are you
  4. I am GOD!
  5. Then donut get into fights in the first place ??
  6. rest of them I can't say anything about really.
  7. But she’s not a pushover
  8. U need to delete your pimd too :(
  9. You don't have to. You know there's more of us who support you more than those that dislike you. You'll waste your breath trying to defend yourself against people whose mind isn't open to anything but opinions that resonate with theirs.
  10. And who are u?
  11. i'm just a defensive person ig
  12. @firebends I can relate
  13. ohh roooood :(

    be prepared!! here I come alicia.

    It's Vash vs Alicia now.
  14. she cant , she is just an attention seeker so she will act always like that
  15. I am too, but the internet is never good grounds for debate. If your irritation starts to rise, chances are, they were never open to your opinions. So just leave them hanging.

    My own two cents, btw. You'll figure out your own style.

    @Michelle: Girl, how was the assignment? ?
  16. Your wife
  17. Too late, I already won
  18. Denying the truth never works ??
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