How to be a forumer?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by YourFavorite3, May 31, 2018.

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  1. im laffing btw , you panicked and read the rules in 10mins just as you are afraid to get punished for being post count farmer, and yeah ask a mod or ata if its ok or not to be post count farmer
  2. show me where it says it in the Forum Code of Conduct.
    LOL you think i'm panicking? no, i just reread the rules because you said it was against the rules and i didn't recall anything of the sort being in there.
  3. you do realize that not all rules are written and some are derived from common practice ? what an idiot
  4. on the report button there is a spam option. However spamming across threads is subtler and harder to detect than spamming a single thread.
  5. indeed you panicked , who read rules that quick ? the sad you
    plus again not all rules are written many are derives from common practice so go ahead and try to raise few brain cells as you lack much
  6. maybe if we ignored them hard enough, they'll finally go away.
  7. sorry for being fast at reading LOL

    also @Kefo i still don't spam ??‍♀️
  8. you farm post counter so you are a spammer
  9. stupid noob idiot
  10. lol i used to like you too and i thot you were funny but whatever
  11. She's a nice person ya know? why target her this much?
  12. just coz i showed you how a terrible being you are you got butthurt ? go sit with jaco
  13. LOL WHAT

    how does that make me a terrible human being? does that mean you are too because you post count farm all the damn time? or do you not remember when kefo exposed you?
  14. There's no reason to, which is exactly why they do it. ?

    Welcome to the forums, we've got good people, bad people, hypocrites, constant fight pickers, lurkers, nubs and ego-driven people. Hai. c:
  15. O I see, they are using their made up personas.
  16. You don't tho
  17. that's not what she said at all?
  18. i never said or admit i post count farm unlike you
    kefo didnt expose me but got thread locked with slight warning
    get your facts right

    Jk Ily ️ keep going
  20. That's what I think is happening after reading the forum me vs real me thread.
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