How to be a forumer?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by YourFavorite3, May 31, 2018.

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  1. Don’t bother using the search area in forums. Make a thread on the same topic that has been made 100 times in the past like traveling, RS, pets, or selfies, then, get upset when people tell you that there is already a thread for it.
  2. Noob, you're an idiot. Your ign literally says all about you, you're just a noob. No one likes you. You've got zero friends, absolutely no life, you're not going to accomplish anything.

    I'm going to tell you that every single day, okay bb? And you can't be mad cause if it wasn't true, then you shouldn't be mad! <3
  3. i wont be mad because its not worth it
    and its ok if no one liked me on virtual app
  4. Oh but still, daily remainder: stupid noob idiot.

    Thanks for teaching me how to farm posts! :)
  5. i taught you nothing , and i encourage freedom of speech so go ahead express yourself
  6. This thread makes me understand that I am not the only petty human that there is.
  7. vash? petty? :?
  8. Wait... THIS thread?!!! of ALL the other threads where there was mega pettiness???!!!
  9. Stupid noob idiot
    Arse permabans Flocc from forums over this shocking display of no support. More tonight at 11.
  11. Catchphrase 101. Take notes OP. ?
  12. Use the word scud, and mention pie arpee
  13. scud reserved for jax
  14. how to stfu? 
  15. Not op but definitely taking notes lol
  16. wot
  17. Jax retired, so I’m his replacement ?
  18. bring back jax the scud king
  19. Post pics of urself on the selfie thread
  20. This is the queen so I credit her
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