weeks ? chill kid u have been here for 4months no way i have been critisizing you for weeks , you are invalid
Technically.. "weeks" is a plural form of "week", right? As in, two "weeks".. three "weeks".. You two have had issues since, earliest I can find, May 26, and now it's June 10. It's been two "weeks". ?
Best tip to become a forumer real quick: spam rude comments in every single forum until people are sick of reading your ign, then act surprised when everyone says you’re just tryna increase your post count.
Literally nothing, the more posts you have though, the more “famous” these forumers think they are on here. When in fact, more irritating is accurate.
Soo... You are more irritating than me? I'm just kidding. I guess having more posts solidifies your opinion in forums as people tend to call every new forumer a stupid noob idiot or whatever the term is..
Yup although, I’ve been here a year and my post count is in the 200s, there are some who’ve been here less than six months who have 10x what I’ve posted in a year. Take that into account lmao
I kind of admire the post spammers..they have dedication and keep the forume more active than it would be without them :lol:
We just happen to have more free time and access forums more, I think. I mean, we've definitely had a fair share of unhelpful replies, but the fun of forums is to interact with people, and by the time we've realized, our post count rose. In the end, if you still think we're post farmers, I don't mind, to be honest. At the end of the day, I trust my judgement. ?