How Not To Argue In PIMD

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Leonardo-Da-Vinci, Feb 12, 2011.

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  1. Hahaha. The dialogues in the examples are hilarious.
  2.  cjs leo
  3. Lol captain jack sparrow. He's leo
  4. That's not what to momma said.


  5. Oops. I meant *WTF*
  6. Stfu fucking no life cock sucker.
  7. haha I love it
  8. I was about to start a thread, but it looks like this one does it. Mine would be too much brain food for most players anyway.
  9. My name i offending
  10. :lol: I found this funny
  11. It's
     :lol: not :laugh: 
    The Helper
  12. I :lol: at this every time.
  13. This made me LOL.lol. Your mother (wtf.??) but great thread! Yeah some people are insane on here!
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