Hey Leo I was wondering I sent an application, how long does it take for the support team to get back to you if they make you a mod or not?
Is my club a bypassing offense?? Nucking Futs... Its a movie actually.. Thats where i got it, its on comedy central most of the times
These are funny ways to show how silencing may occur. but this is so true. Some people do deserve to be silenced better yet banned.
What about someone using profanity on my wall post when I didn't even know her or chat with her other then posting a
My number is 62728282828828273392728279162716283862716272522637272627262624373638637420010627256192620-7 hmu ladiesjk
Moderator/RA Application If you wish to become a moderator, send an email to support@athinkingape.com explaining... •Why you think you would be a good moderator •What you have down to help the community(making guides, answer questions) •Do you report violators of the ToU to mods or devs •What region your from(asia, north America, oceania, etc) •Have you been silenced or violated ToU in any other way •game name: PimD •Your name in game I wish you the best of luck! Also take a look at Captain-Jack-Sparrow's(Leonardo-da-Vinci) post on this topic.