How Not To Argue In PIMD

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Leonardo-Da-Vinci, Feb 12, 2011.

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  1. I need a mod to silence someone named mrs spanktastic she keeps harrassing me on my wall
  2. Please wall a moderator with issues. They won't look here (hopefully you will).

    For a list of mods, go to the "Other Pimd Discussion" section of forums and tap the "Mod Guide" thread. They're listed there.
  3. That one with YO MOMMA is hilarious
  4. wall spam is no longer silenceable. block her and problem solved.
  5. I like this as well.
  6. This was one of the most hilarious threads ever. Good bye 
  7. How to argue on pimd -ug to max stat and be stronger. and argue with small stats. When they disagree with u farm them. You winno one can argue and win. Only cry
  8. if you ug to max, most ppl are dtw for you. fail solution.
  9. wtf.......if ur yelling what do u mean calm down?ur NOT calm, so y would u bother?
  10. yes,yes they are dumb
  11. "Block button" easier then pumpkin pie
  12. Is pumpkin pie easy? Sure are a lot of whiners on this thread. To avoid hurtful communication just always be polite. Be clear, concise, and keep it classy.
  13. Pumpkin pie comes in a's pretty easy. Now you know
  14. now, all we need is a silenceable rule for the following*

    "follow me for rp"
    (no one wants to rp with you)

    "volley me, i need to upgrade"
    (dont we all?)

    "hire me i'm very active"
    (i figured that out when you posted on campus)

    "strip me of my tutors"
    (how does NO sound?)

    "naughty girls follow me if you have k....i....k"
    (first off, wtf. second, do you honestly think mods wont notice??)

    "spam me with gifts" <==sent multiple times
    (ill spam you if you stop spamming campus... not)

    and any other annoying posts on campus i see. people better hope i dont get accepted for mod

    *note= most of the previous examples have really been seen in campus chat, and the poster of this post is not liable for anyone to fall victim to a "dirty rp-er". the odds of someone saying this in campus, each minute, is 100%, for there are many noobs, leeches, little kids, and beggars in campus at all times. Zed and all his aquantinces are not liable for future silences should you choose to repeat these phrases in campus. all rights reserved
  15. still bypassed. Smh.
  16. those phrases are just quotes, no bypass intended
  17. But but but you also bypassed in your own words too....o.o
  18. Underneath the "naughty girls" quote....
    3rd "word" to the right.....o.o
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