How much $$$?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlIllVash-The-StampedelIlIllI, Dec 25, 2020.

  1. I saw stats on leaderboard first time in a while, and damn it's too op.

    How much cash have people approximately spent according to you to reach 180 mcs, in the cheapest way?
    Considering they bought a lot of ecs and dns on black friday and did parties when 5X is on?
    Give a rough estimate in dollars.
  2. Easily thousands

    I did some math and came up with $5,000 if you intend to completely max your stats during a BF promo.
  3. And that's during the promo holy moly
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  4. How cheap. In reality, 20 grand is the minimum most leaderboard players have spent
    Seriously, PhilnHigh and LeeJarrett like this.