How much money (game)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kefo, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. 8mcs maybe around like 300ish
  2. 3mcs~?

    and around 200$~ :?
  3. 200kmc 0$ in 4to5 weeks 
  4. Some Cs. Few grand over various accounts. 5 years in December I think
  5. 4mcs/28mcs €28,000+

  6. 1.8MCS and around €200 on cats&DNS 
  7. 22mcs prolly $200+ over the course of 2 years
  8. 13mcs ish maybe around $2000-3000 idn I've played for 5 years tho 
  9. 13MCS and probably $800 throughout the 4 and a half years.
  10. 28mcs maybe around $1-2k for almost 2 years
  11. Almost 5 years.. Reset account Started new.. But total spent $800? 32mcs.
  12. 6mc - 200 dollars? 100 in march alone ?
  13. Spend your money on whatever makes ya happy I guess
  15. 10mcs.
    At least $2k on different accounts over 3 years. I need h e l p. ?
  16. 13mcs.... about $4k ?
  17. 1.5 mc (about)  $48 - for cats
  18. 12.5mcs - like $30 but only on name changes and ec gifts