how many hours a day do you play on pimd?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Entity_Of-The_Beast, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Almost 18 hours
  2. In total about 1-2.5 hours. Mostly PM and Forums. Go on and off.
  3. 4 to 8 hrs a day?
  4. All day. On & off.
  5. 10min a day. i have life 
  6. All day really lmao
  7. I don't sleep ?
  8. Just a few hours
  9. More like, how many days a day do I play pimd?
  10. i spend way too much time on this game honestly. like i don't even know how many hours.
  11. More hours than I care to admit :cry:
  12. Ima change my answer to his lol
  13. i'm a girl
  14. A couple at most, i tend to randomly disappear for a week every now and then
  15. Only time I'm not on is when I'm sleeping because I tend to play while at work
  16. Omg im sorry! Ok, i change my answer to hers :)
  17. Touche.