how many hours a day do you play on pimd?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Entity_Of-The_Beast, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. It ranges. Maybe 2-3 hours on a working day. And maybe 5 on my days off. If I have nothing to do. If I do, then 0.
  2. Err idk how many hours specifically, I just play when I have nothing going on in rl and in my spare time 
  3. One sec lol
  4. Too many.
  5. 15 hours a day, more if warring.
    Mainly cause im on holidays, so my tablets open all the time while im off doing stuff
  6. 2 hours per two weeks I guess
  7. 19-21h ? multitask life
  8. Damm!!! I fell for your trickery, i managed to notice the others
  9. Grind to the 25th hour bruh.
  10. I cannot say. This might be a trap to catch ur sleep time. But to answe, to dang much 
  11. 16-18 hours
    #ccFairyLife ;-;

  13. 3-5 hours? Depends on the content of club chat, notification, wall posts or dm
  14. Half of these peeps are lying ?
  15. And I suppose u have a tracker on everybodys phone that can tell when and how long someone plays...:roll: