You are one sad weirdo ctrl_c. People who write these type of pathetic threads really aint got much intelligence to write anything more creative. You only amuse the ones like your self who can only write about idiot subjects and small talk. I challenge you for your next forum thread to write something more interesting because this was one stupid thread.i doubt you can.
Its critisizing not criticizing. And if you had intelligence you'd know that ctrl_c is = PMW-mrVice alt
This is the interwebz, homie. Go do some salty bitch stuff elsewhere. Either stay on topic or kindly leave my thread or I can have you removed, your choice homie. Anyway, today my poop was only 10 minutes long because I had a pizza cooking in the oven
PMW MrVice is Wyatt, I'm Jopo. If you had any intellect, you would figure that out on your own. Practice what you preach homie G. False claims can get you in trouble around here.
I poop quickly, but my phone distracts me... (Maybe I'm on my phone now while I poop... Who's knows?)
I aint your homie and PMW-mrVice old screenname was X_EvilJopo_X. And whats wrong you cant handle it that i tell you how dumb and smutty this thread is that you get all butthurt and threaten to get me ejected . And lol making wrong statements will get me in trouble "around here " who you gonner call in machoman? The mob??!!
This is a story all about how, my account got sold, gave to someone else, and I'd like to take a moment just sit right here, i'll tell you about how I sold my ipod to a kid named Wyatt. A few months ago last year's vacays in Canada is where I went for a few days, chillin all maxin relaxing all cool and spending some time with a cool dude. When I finally realized, PIMD wasnt cool, started thinking about my quitting being overdue. I got one little thought and my mind went cray, I said "I'll give you my ipod in exchange for some mon-ay" I sold him my device for a pretty low fare, he changed the name and started posting here and there, if anything I could say the exchange was pretty fair, and I said alright homie the account is all yer's! (couldn't find a rhyme) I got back to the US a few days later and I said to my club "home club, cya later!" Created a new account with totally new name, and enjoy the game without giving a care. Close enough.
Yes. I was in Canada and met up with him, basically gave him my ipod since its an old ipod and he's a good friend of mine so yeah. He's put good use to it so it was a good choice lol.
I think your name was a lot better though.. Jopos Carebear Slave or something? Has a better ring to it
Depends. I could spend hours but I don't cause my feet tends to fall asleep on me. If it's like a leisure poop I listen to songs most of the time and don't poop much cause the songs have me grooving. And the other would be a "fix-in-min-poop". 5mins tops. It's when I'm in hurry