How long do you sit on the toilet for

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -IN-ACTIVE-JOPO-, Mar 15, 2016.

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  1. As long/short of a time as needed?
  2. How come this isn't locked yet? :roll:

    O and 30mins if with phone, 15 mins without.
  3. Has anyone had Quartz in their feed is the real question? I know I haven't.
  4. -SuperKamiGuru-, i bow to no man, solo who is nah alt and a few others who randomly attacked me and i been club farm of the campus keepers because deadlyspankingangel cant deal with me by herself she crys to her clan & subclub
  5. Dankmemes keep chirping thats all you can do but too scared to insult anyone from your main account because crystal is trying out for mod posistion.
  6. The only one who seems to be too scared to post from their main is you. You claim everyone is an alt so I'm going to assume you're just trying to cover the fact that you have a main lurking around here somewhere.

    You do all this talk about SFW but you send a friend to fail farm me, instead of doing it yourself, for a couple hours after they claimed they were going to farm me forever.
    Looks like forever isn't as long as I thought. :lol:
  7. Forever instead of loling could you probably lock it since its way off course?

    I swear like do something, mods on forums are slacking
  8. You really are dumb dankmemes this is my only account on pimd and my rs is me also X-shortfuse-X.and why would i send anybody to hit you. I dont have any friends on this game except the kaw crusaders. You are totally pathetic. if you actually knew me instead of your preconceptions youd know from how i am on kaw i hit alone and i wont cf or quit. Keep chirping dankmemes everything you say gives away that you really are crystals alt.
  9. I was thinking that.

  10. Kind of like how most others don't care about you? Yep that's life buddy.

    I'm on forums, not on multiple accounts, I had one, was on forums with that one, reset it, made another, lost my device, so I made another. Please learn to read before spewing this so called intellect.

    I have a personality, which is why people like me outside of the game. Y'know... Real life.. In the outside world? Face to face human interactions?.. No..?
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