How I Became Honor Student

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. This was a load of sh**
  2. Saw your works in the other thread, reminds me of Cyanide and Happiness. I love them and their humor. Your works are awesome too ?
  3. op became honour student from making these lame comic strips infact 1 or 2 was funny the rest was just screaming for attention on forums
  4. Because he would draw comics for forums. Every week. For a bit. Followed by the anne girl that did hunt guides.
  5. He wasn't attention seeking , he was helping the community by entertaining them. people look forward to his weekly comics. this Is A forum not a game talking place.

    He also knows pretty much everything about the game and helps immensely.

    Think before you say things.

    Nice thread btw dan
  6. aww op's lover has just entered the thread welcome
  7. He found something funny! My attention needs have been fulfilled. 

    Wait, who's Dan? ?
  8. ? *Squishing*
  9. okai I giggled :?

    it was too adorable :D
  10. izzer is correct, but, isn't op's name nick, btw? and, responding the original post: aaaaaaaaaaaah :eek: .
  11. but we're not talking about you now :? .
  12. Touched a nerve did I...
    Why don't u make me ;)
    All I have said is 'The Truth n nothing but The Truth'...

    #nothing against u wolf
  13. It's cool. People are entitled to their opinion. ?
  14. I've actually never talked to him and I just am supporting him?
  16. Grandmaster Dan is not me. ? I'm Nick.
  17. The mod?
  18. No that would be the cooler Nick lol
  19. Oh lol ?
  20. But then why is my squirrel still alive?

    o_O you clearly squished him