This may seem a little random but, Dan has annoyed me for a while. Also, I'm not hiding behind an alt, I'm forum banned, I'm sure once you read this you might have an idea who I am. Follow me Dan, and I'll tell you who I am, if you care. Let me drop some knowledge on you dan. The prerequisites to being an honour student are, 'be awesome' and 'try to make PIMD better by being here.' Now, please explain to us how you believe Wolf, doesn't meet these expectations, because I'm quite interested in how you seem to think you are better than him. We know you're upset by your hostility towards wolf, don't try playing the 'you don't know me game.' We don't need to know you, to sense there is some hostility, jealousy and hatred. I've seen you post countless times that you want to be a mod. I've seen you compile multiple threads, to write about your disgust that ATA hasn't replied swiftly enough to your mod applications. Yet, I sit here wondering why they should give you mod. When, you bash innocent players with your huge ass arrogant persona. You're a typical frat boy, you believe you are gods gift to PIMD, yet you come onto a thread and bash someone's artwork. You have no respect. If you believe you can draw better 'pictures' then, by all means produce us some wonderful comics, I would like to see them. If you're going to be salty, remember there is no application process in regards to receiving honour student recognition it is something chosen by ATA. If you're going to sulk about it like a 5 year old then, I don't want to see you as a mod. If you're going to complain, complain to ATA. Also, I think there are far more better deserving people out there who should be recognised such as, Ninjatard and Nick (the guy who makes amazing threads), just to name a few. I'm sure there are plenty more people going around that deserve it, but you dan, you don't deserve it.
Wolf got honour student because he simply uplifts the community with his comics. He goes out of his way to make you all smile! We need more people like him, rather than those who have to put everyone down. Love your comics Nick! Always check for them ?
Personally, I think Wolf's a strange prick, but I'm not gonna send for his comic skills, because they're pretty cool!
He also is the best person to go to if you have any questions about PIMD. He's been very helpful from what I've seen