How do you write in colour?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *SexyLexie_XoXo (01), May 7, 2012.

  1. Why are you sad? And stop using the color yellow that is a lame color..
  2. [color=hot pink] I told you it is a link.. You
    Have to go to KaW's forums and looks for Dilly's thread [/color]
  3. im sad cuz no one will tell me how to do multicoloured text 
  4. I can't copy and past the link srry
  5. whos dilly can someone tell meh how to do rainbow txt plz
  6. That's the link for rainbow txt
  7. Make a thread like dillys thread pllsss
  8. Did it work for you guys? I hope so...
  9. I can't.. I can't remember it all but I'll put some cool stuff up in a sec..
  10. i didnt get how to type it
  11. as in the rain bow one
  12. What do you do I typed my message and nothing happened

    [ U ] text here [/U]

    [ color=wanted color] text here [/color]

    [ I] text here [/I]

    [ B] text here [/B]

    [ Quote="name here"] Text here [/quote]

    [ Size=up to 200] text here [/size]