how do you do colour write?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxalyssaxx, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. Wow it actually worked
  2. You are very welcome Jade. ེ
  3. Sure you can Moo 
  4. Thanks TTB Your welcome jade and thanks for helping cookie 
  5. Ok how do u make the thing mogger when u write?
  6. I
    Mean bigger
  7. [size=*200]Text here[/size]

    Remove the * for it to work.

    Biggest size 200, smallest size 20. 
  8. Code:

    It will look like this

  9. smallest size is 0.
    smallest readable size is 20.
    smallest visible size is 10.
  10. Sizes are probably the second most used BB code, so again, it's probably a good thing to learn how to do it.

    -Sizes reach a maximum of 200. Anything over 200 will NOT work.

    - Size 20 is the smallest size that is readable, though you can still use sizes below that.

    -For the sizes to work, remember to take out the asterisk (*)

    To do sizes, do this:

    [size=200*] text here [/size]
    Remember! Take the asterisk (*) out for it to work!

    Size 200 is largest, size 20 is the smallest (that's readable), size 100 is normal size.

    1. Text = Size 20

    2. Text = Size 50

    3. Text = Size 100 (Normal Size)

    4. Text = Size 150

    5. Text = Size 200
  11. What if I wanna do both this and colour writing? Then what should I do?
  12. you do [size*=200][*color=blue]insert writing here.[*/color][/*size]

    remember to remove the *
  13. like this:

    Oh Hi there.
  14. this?[color][size]
  15. remember at the end to put [/color][/size]
  16. like that. well done